Are you looking for guest posting / submit a guest post or write for us?
Please read below.

What do you get?

  • 1000+ words article published on any niche(except, porn, casino, alcohol and cbd)
  • A permanent guest post with 1 Do follow link.
  • Article will not be marked as sponsored.

What do we need?

  • 1000+  words well written, unique and  non promotional content.(Low quality or promotional content will be rejected). A quality content is written for the sake of readers not only for acquiring the backlink.
  • Article must have at least 2 to 3 high authority outbound links.
  • Article must have only 1 promotional link.
  • The anchor text must be branded or natural. We do not accept articles with keyword rich anchor text.  
  • Proper use of heading (h1, h2 and h3 ) tags.
  • We need rights to edit your article to make it SEO optimized or ad·here google safe and best practices.

What we do not offer?

We do not promote/publish content related to porn, casino, alcohol and cbd.

How to contact?

For submission charges and other guest posting inquiries, please contact us on